Envisioned Action Steps
CategoryTask NameTimeframeResponsible Party and PartnersStatusComments
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Identify new sites for industry, update zoning and other City policy to attract new businesses and users
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City, Chamber of Commerce and EDC
Provide job incubators/training programs
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City, Non-Profits, Private Sector
Provide a variety of housing to attract employees and industry
Intermediate (Year 1-3), Mid-Term (Year 4-6), Long Term (Year 7+)City, CRA, Private Sector
Concentrate on employee quality of life; Promote Lake Wales for remote workers
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City, Chamber of Commerce and EDC
Promote the vision
Intermediate (Year 1-3), Mid-Term (Year 4-6), Long Term (Year 7+)City, Main Street, Chamber of Commerce and EDC
Pursue "Big Green Network" conservation and land protection strategy potential tools include: Acquisition; Regulations; Incentives for private property owners; Comprehensive Policy Guidance; Land Development Regulations; and Collaboration and Partnerships
Intermediate (Year 1-3), Mid-Term (Year 4-6), Long Term (Year 7+)City, Polk County, Nearby Municipalities, Non-Profits, Local and State Agencies, Private Sector
Pursue parks/trails improvements identified in the "Neighborhood Green Network"
Intermediate (Year 1-3), Mid-Term (Year 4-6), Long Term (Year 7+)City, Polk County, Nearby Municipalities, Non-Profits, Local and State Agencies, Private Sector
Restore habitat and native landscaping along trail networks leading to conservation lands
Intermediate (Year 1-3), Mid-Term (Year 4-6), Long Term (Year 7+)City, Polk County, Non-Profits
Update parks and recreation plan with a focus on connecting open spaces and accommodating anticipated growth
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City
Pursue "Green Building" approaches/ Adopt incentives and Florida Friendly Landscaping certification; encourage backyard habitat programs from National Wildlife Federation and others
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City
Promote historic preservation and establish incentives for infill/new investment in "Preservation and Infill Area"; Includes pursuing Certified Local Government and Historic Preservation Ordinance; Expand downtown historic district boundary; Expand permitted uses/building types, remove barriers and streamline approvals for infill in identified areas
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City, Main Street
Create and adopt traditional neighborhood development (TND) ordinance that will specify requirements for neighborhood design, and streamline approval for development that meets the code
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City
Update zoning and comprehensive plan to fit the vision; includes these zoning updates: Add rural zoning designation; Add TND ordinance; Revise PDP and MDP ordinances to incorporate additional quality-control standards and improved procedures; Incorporate FDOT's context classifications. Includes these Comprehensive Plan updates: Fix inconsistencies (such as Low Density Residential designation for annexed parcels
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City
Pursue Joint Planning Agreement with Polk County
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City, Polk County
Adopt Complete Street design standards for new or improved streets
Intermediate (Year 1-3)City, Polk County, FDOT
Pursue Complete Street improvements for identified non-state streets/Includes Thompson Nursery/Chalet Suzanne and Masterpiece Road; Mountain Lake Cutoff Road; Buck Moore/Hunt Brothers Road; 11th Street South
Mid-Term (Year 4-6), Long-Term (Year 7+)City, Polk County, Private Sector
Design and Construct Burns Avenue redesign/ Includes road diet, separated bike lanes, spot medians, lighting, canopy landscape, roundabout at Tower Road
Mid-Term (Year 4-6)City, Polk County
Implement speed management, landscape, pedestrian enhancements on SR 60 and US 27
FDOT, City
Implement SR 17/Scenic Highway Enhancement and Trail
Mid-Term (Year 4-6)FDOT, City, Polk County, Nearby Municipalities
Pursue Lake Wales Transit Circulator/ Initial Route: Immediate Timeframe/ Expansions: Mid-to Long-Term Timeframe
Intermediate (Year 1-3), Mid-Term (Year 4-6), Long Term (Year 7+)City, FTA